DS had behavior problems last fall and winter, in large part because he was incredibly unchallenged and no one at school seemed capable of doing anything about it. Ultimately we asked the school to do a comprehensive evaluation, which included IQ and academic tests speech, reading, and writing evaluations; hearing and vision tests; and questionnaires and observations to look for other problems. Initially we were met with resistance, as DS didn't have an academic problem. But we pointed out that the fact he was spending so much time in the principal's office warranted some action by the school.

I don't know if you can just request an IEP without the school doing some sort of testing (or getting test results from an outside professional). A 504 might be a better first step, but I am far from being an expert in this.

eta: jaylivg, I PM'd you a few days ago. smile

Last edited by KnittingMama; 05/22/13 03:38 PM.