Originally Posted by jaylivg
But there is tiny little spot in my heart that thinks maybe 3rd grade would be different . Maybe just 1% of me thinking it might be different next year if he goes to school . But then again the gifted teacher .. ( there are only 2 ) , is his homeroom teacher in this 2nd grade . So even if he's eligible to be in the gifted program next year .. what would be the difference if it's going to be the same teacher that makes everything so horrible this year ?

It sounds like you have teachers who refuse to understand the child AND school-wide discipline policies that are inappropriate.

I think I wouldn't assume things were going to be different unless I had gotten an agreement from somebody (like the principal) that things were going to change in very specific ways, and that the agreement looked like enough. If he's going to be placed with the same teacher, that sounds like more of the same unless the teacher and everyone else has agreed it will be otherwise.

However, I also don't think you should homeschool because your DH thinks you should-- only if YOU think you should. I, for one, am totally unsuited to it, and I like my job; I would make a lousy HSing mom. Some people enjoy it and are terrific at it. You should think that piece through carefully, as well as how you would plan to meet your child's needs better than school does. (If, for example, he exhausts you on the weekends, will you be better at meeting the needs than the school, and how will you do it? Some kids, like mine, are really difficult that way. I don't know yours.)
