Originally Posted by jaylivg
I agree and on the same boat with DH to homeschool DS next year . But there is tiny little spot in my heart that thinks maybe 3rd grade would be different . Maybe just 1% of me thinking it might be different next year if he goes to school . But then again the gifted teacher .. ( there are only 2 ) , is his homeroom teacher in this 2nd grade . So even if he's eligible to be in the gifted program next year .. what would be the difference if it's going to be the same teacher that makes everything so horrible this year ?

I do feel like i want him to experience the things i had back when i was in school . DH said we can always send him back to school after a year of homeschooling or whatever just see how things turn out .

The thing is that his school experience will be very different from yours. He's a different person and doesn't feel things the same way so what you may had enjoyed, he may not.

I wouldn't probably pull him out for the last two weeks but if it were my son, he would probably be sick for a few days and I'd just tell him he would be home schooled in the Fall so he would have something to look forward to the remaining couple of days at school.