Originally Posted by jaylivg
Last night DS said he really doesn't want to go to school today . He was really crushed when I got him out from school after the afternoon detention . He was scared that I'd get mad but I said I've heard everything n I'll listen from his side too . Pretty much what I've heard from school anyway . Then that evening he saud that he really wants to stay out of trouble ..but he feels like with everything going on at school it really makes him feel he doesn't belong there . He said everynight before sleeps he prays that tomorrow will be a better day so that he can make himself proud n his parents proud . And he thinks about it everynight after we tuck him in . But he also said he feels like as a family ..we're getting further away from each other too . Mom isn't as closed with him anymore n dad isn't either ..and it's all because of school matters. He was teary when he said this but trying hard to hold back the tears . He said he gets in trouble at school ..then coming home ..his parents mad n not happy with him and then he gets grounded ..the next day it'll be the same again if he gets into another trouble . And he said the cycle keeps going n it never ends .

I am not a perfect parents ..far from it . But I do love my son .. n I don't want him to get hurt . I want him to learn to make a better decision ..better choice . He is a good kid ..he's not some spoiled uncontrolleable little brat . I might not be making all the right choice either by getting mad at him when he gets in trouble from school . We miss each other being happy ..it seems like our life is full of anger ..stress ..frustration because of school trouble . And the trouble is like talking when he's not supposed to ..playing with materials .. goofing off ..throwing jokes ... loud burping noise ..fascination with the word fart .. spilling water on the floor ...walking backwards in the hallway ..playing on the swing laying on his tummy .I understand these are little things that pile up n I know its not good . But even if losing recess n giving him detention or suspension don't work ..as a school can they figure out something rlse ? They had a whole year to try different things ..but seems like they're sticking to things that don't work n as a result DS gets so stressful ..he's only 8 . 8 years old shouldn't know the stressful feeling ..they're supposed to be having fun n happy .

This seems like a no-brainer to me. I think homeschooling could be a great option.