I feel like DS did have a reason for raising his voice because he was accused on something he didn't do , and he felt it was very unfair that he had to move his clip for defending himself . I know DS will tell you the truth , if he does it , then he'll tell you he did it .

Why do you feel that raising his voice is justified ? Maybe the other kid feels anxious, when someone raises their voice (you never know). I think I would try and teach him, to raise his hand, quietly approach the teacher and say what is on his mind.

Should i just let this go or should i send his teacher an email ? On the way home , DS said , when his teacher made him move his clip that's when he really feels like he hates her for being so unfair to him . What bothers me the most is that he's being accused on something he didn't do and of course he's not happy about it .

This depends on what you have decided for next year. Have you decided to change schools or give 3rd grade a chance ? Or, perhaps, homeschool ? If you plan to stay in the school, you should perhaps do whatever you can, to mold your son into the behavior that the school is expecting. For what it is worth, I think the school is being very nit-picky and perhaps targeting your son. As others have said, once a pattern is established, it is very hard to change it

If you plan to change schools or homeschool, I would ask for a meeting with the teacher and principal, and discuss in detail what is going on, and how it is affecting your son/your family. Ask the teacher for advice. If she gives the vibe that she dislikes your kid, I would pull him out for next year.

As far as your questions on 504 or IEP, for a 504, you need a medical disability that affects your son's education. So, for that, you would need a diagnosis from a doctor. As HowlerKarma said, they cannot deny you the evaluation, but it may not translate into a IEP.

I really think you have to ask yourself some questions. Is your son more impulsive than others in his age/grade group ? Do you think a break from his current school will help ? Were his other grades (1st, 2nd, kindy, preschool) problem free ? If there are recurring issues that sound almost the same/that are the same, I would start learning more. If it is just the age and probably poor decision making when it comes to behavior/consequences, role model as much as possible, and also enroll him in social skills groups/camps over the summer.

It sounds like a horrible year. I hope it ends/subsides for you.