mom2one ,

Well , here is the thing , if a child moved their clip 2 times , which means they're getting orange and so they have to lose recess . Now if they moved the clip before recess that day , automatically the child will lose the recess same day , but for example , DS moved his clip to yellow in the morning and right before school ends , he broke another rule and had to have his clip move to orange , so he would have to pay the consequence the next day since it's already end of school .

I'd think they should do a different approach , and okay if they do want to take away his recess , make him do something , don't just let him sit by the wall for the whole 30 minutes . Kids need to let out their energy .

I've talked with DS how does he feel about getting his recess taken away a day after ? He said it makes him feeling bad , for example because today he had a great day , he obeyed the rules and didn't break any rules , but he said he had to sit by the wall for half recess . And i said " why ? " because yesterday he didn't move his clip to orange .. he had a good day yesterday too . He said " well because me and this other student were talking when we were supposed to stay by the wall "

I am aware they took away the recess yesterday as a consequences for what they did on friday . So there were 4 students sat by the wall yesterday to pay the consequences . But during that time , these 4 kids were talking , and so they had to have another (half) recess taken away again today because of it .

Has it worked ? No , because with how many times he lose recess , it's obviously not working for him . But have they tried a different way ? nope ..

He has this communication card that he brings home everyday , and if it's empty then it's a good news . No news is a good news , but if there was problem at school , then there will be note .. there were also rules written in there by numbers . It ranges from talking , self discipline , respecting school properties , using time and material wisely , etc .. So .. say you accidentally spill water .. then you broke rule #11 respecting school properties and you will have your clip moved . Or if you're talking then you will move your clip to orange .. or to red all the way to purple .

His communication card gets so overwhleming to look at , just because his teacher wrote every single thing that happened at school . The majority of these are small little things , that piles up . And when our therapist saw it , immediately she said " oh his teacher doesn't like him at all "

I really don't think he's a spirited child , so he's no angel at home , but we get along fine , and he does what he's told , sometimes he would try to get away from things he needs to get done . If i tell him to clean up your bedroom , he'll try to get away .. and say later later .. sometimes he would test me how far can i go with him . But he's not a difficult child , even as a baby he was very easy baby ,with exemption of feeding ( easily gagging ) , he was happy , always smiling baby , never gave us a hard time with crying or anything .

Isn't that spirited child mean ? difficult , right ? a spirited child should be giving you hard time even when they're babies , right ?

I don't know .. maybe IEP will help , i really need to read more about it . Since i really don't know much about it at all .