master of none ,

i agree with all you're saying . That behavior is never accepted in our household either .

I just picked him up from school plus detention , he explained to me what was wrong . And i also told him that he cannot do that , i already knew why he chose this behavior , he's angry , he's frustrated . I still told him , even how angry how frustrated he gets , he still can't do things he did . He doesn't do things like that at home , what makes him think he can do that at school ?

He's like us , adults , when we get frutsrated , bottled up everything until you had enough enough and enough , you don't care about it anymore . You scream , you shout , you slam the book , you slam your door .. out of frustration . I am sure all of us had this kind of thing at one point in our life time . I am not excusing his behavior .. i know he needs to control his emotion , his anger ..

Homeschool is also not because we're trying to escaping the stuff from school . Even before this , we've thought about homeschool seems like it's better choice because you get your own pace , you can learn things that interest you the most and you don't spend time on waiting and not learning anything new .

On top of that with all the stress the school brings to our household , how unhappy our DS becomes and that makes us unhappy also ! .. what would you do ? Would you just keeping him in the school for 3rd grade , and repeat the whole scenario again ?

I have little part of me that think hey 3rd grade at school might be different , but what if it's not .. why would i let him be suffer and lose my happy kid ?