Originally Posted by KnittingMama
-DS has an IEP that won't be in effect in the fall if we pull him out now (i.e. we'd have to start over)

Are you sure it won't still be in effect? We pulled our ds out of public school to switch to private, but his IEP didn't expire until the actual "expiration date" on it - and his eligibility didn't expire until the same time it would have had he stayed in public school. We have opted to have him go through his three-year eligibility review to keep the IEP active (if he still qualifies), and even though we don't have services in place at the moment, our ds' private school honors the accommodations ds has through his IEP. It's possible this is different than what would happen for a Gifted IEP (ds is 2e, and his IEP addresses his disability)... but it's worth checking into rather than assuming the IEP would just go away completely and you'd have to start at square one when you return to public school.

Best wishes,
