Originally Posted by jaylivg
I feel like i am such a bad parent when the teacher sent home note saying DS this DS that .. moved his clips to this and that and will lose recess the next day or detention or inside school suspension . Trust me it is not a good feeling when school complains about DS' behavior .

jaylivg, I hope I didn't add to your hurt by what I said - I didn't mean to! I so totally understand how it feels to have teachers send home that type of note - I've been in similar situations with two of my children and it's really *really* tough on you as a parent emotionally (not to mention how our kids are feeling). It took me quite a few years before I finally started trusting my own instincts about my children and before I was able to not let teacher's comments get to me.

Hang in there, and trust your instincts... no matter what any of us tell you smile

Best wishes,


ps - I'll second Amy's suggestion smile