We have 3 more weeks of school , and hoping that the next 3 days will be at least a decent one . Not expecting to be perfect weeks , that's asking too much . Just decent ..

But well what do i know ..

The school called , and wanting to give him an after school detention . It's not like they're asking my permission to do it , they'll do it either way anyway .

The problem is , this morning DS was in the reading group , and this other boy kept reading when it was DS' turn . Instead of telling the boy or the teacher it is my turn , he chose to cover up the book of that other boy . As a result , the other boy did the same to DS and DS got sent to his seat .

Frustrated , he was angry , he slammed the book to his desk and shouting . Then off to the special i think it was computer , he pushed the same boy , not knocking him down but it is considered not keeping hands to himself .

And when school called i told school i knew , he's had enough already because he felt like even if he's raising his hand telling teacher , he'll be dismissed anyway , like many other times . So what's the point when doing the right thing is still considered the wrong thing . He could care less about it anymore . I am not saying what he did was right .. no , it was wrong . The school wants to give him detention because all this small little things piling up , such as talking , making noises plus not keeping hands to self .. but she told me , the reason of the detention is because of his reaction .. which is slamming the book and shouting .

The school isn't convinced about what i told them , they said they'll have their counselor talkked with DS . Couple hours later school called again and said , you are right , he is very frustrated .

Of course i am right , i know my son . We even talked about school last night during dinner . DS felt very frustrated , very stressful . To make sure he knows what he's talking about .. i asked do you know what stressful means ? DS said said yes , i do , i am feeling miserable , sad , angry , but i can't do anything about it . DS said to me , he no longer excited waking up in the morning to go to school , he's excited to see his friends , but he's not even excited about the learning things , new things ( if there is any !! ) , not excited about seeing his teacher .. he's just like yeah whatever .. i'll go to school cos you're taking me to school mom .

I am sad for him , i am .. a child shouldn't have any of this kind of experience , school is supposed to be fun learning environment . Not a place to crush a child's spirit into nothing !!!