Originally Posted by DeeDee
Yes, this is tremendously stressful on parents. This is why I advocate finding some respite help (someone to look after your son and give you a break sometimes)-- it doesn't have to be a tutor, anyone who can keep him safe and occupied can give you space to breathe.
that's a very hard point for us. we have no family close to us and no close friends (at least who can understand our son behavior).

Originally Posted by DeeDee
Raoul, for my DS9 (who has Asperger's) ADHD meds alone would not work at all. The stimulant increases focus but also creates more anxiety-- which is intolerable. We found that our DS needs an SSRI (antidepressant) to decrease anxiety. This also helps him tolerate the ADHD med. If I had to live without one of these drugs, I would omit the ADHD med and keep the SSRI-- it has been very important for him to live with less anxiety, and he has flourished since we chose this path.
I guess we had to think about that can you please give me the name of the active molecule of the SSRI (in PM, if you prefer), so that I can see if there is French equivalent. Anyway, giving medecine to my son is a kind of problem for me. I am so desperate giving him ritalin each morning. I know that it helps him and that is why I do it ... And now antidepressant (any way, it is not as "hard" as a psyschostimulant as methylphenidate). thnk you for your feeling about that. I will clearly think about that and try to discuss with the neurologist (if I succeed to speak with him).

Originally Posted by DeeDee
It will be important for him to know that he learns and thinks differently from other people; that he has some wonderful skills and abilities; and that his differences are not his fault. The sooner this becomes an accepted topic of conversation in your family, the better. My DS went through an awful time of blaming himself for his bad behavior; now he knows why, and it's easier for him to accept that he makes these mistakes sometimes. Very important for self-esteem.

Many of the comments I had in this thread ended to that. You are probably right. We tried a few times to speak with DS about his presumed giftedness. It ended with him saying that his intelligence is useless. Nevertheless, I am again dealing with this issue with my wife and we will try again because we have now more experience in understanding how he behaves.

Sorry for the English !