My daughter has a boy classmate. His parents are experimenting with ADHD medicines. The current one helps during school hours. But after school, something is happening with the medicine that makes him very aggressive. He is hitting everyone on the playground. Even the most loyal friends and their parents are pulling away because he is hurting their children. His mother has to go back to the doctor and see what they can do next.

So, it might be good to call the pediatrician and talk about the aggression. There could be a link between the new aggression and the medicine. Every parent I've known who chooses medicines for their child's issues has gone through an experimental stage with dosage, types, and timing.

Also, with very intelligent children, there is that huge difference between intellect and maturity. I read a few years ago that the age between 4 and 9 for "asynchronous development" is the most difficult. It does get better with time as the gap closes. Also when there is more available to the child to channel their intellect.

I give you much credit for all of your reading and translating. If I had to go on a French (or any other language!) site to get help it just would not happen. It is very impressive. Best of luck.