hi raoulpetite,
the "background" of the piechart being an analog clock (drawn on paper) with the hours and minute increments. Your DS can choose a color magic marker or crayon for each category (pretend/play time one color, schoolwork another color, maybe the reward time a different color to see what he earned). For my DD I prefer to have the arguing/fussing/not coming color be different. Then she can really see how many "minutes" she really did waste.

You could use a timer or a digital clock and start by keeping track of the minutes and write them down when he is doing his thing...then have your DS transfer the minutes onto the analog clock face with the lines going from the center to the minute markers, filling in the different colors from time start to time end for that category.

Does this make sense? It is so clear in my own head (: - )

With things like this it's easier to show than to write.

I don't think children/people like this will ever be as conscious of time as someone who is more left-brained. However if they are going to live and work in society they have to have decent skills to accommodate the convention as best as possible.

My DD was harder to get to the table last year but is pretty reasonable this year. Intellectually, the work is really too easy for her, and she doesn't like worksheets, but the physical act of completing it seems to be the problem. We are not having much luck with the school again this year but I am not working with them right now because DD has some more intense testing (to be done privately)and it will make sense to approach them again with new information. For now I expect her to do it and be responsible and it's working pretty well unless she is very tired at the end of the week.

If you have any more questions I'll try to answer them. Good luck!