This 155 is quite weird ... Honestly, I am quite surprized with that result (moreover he was not yet on ritalin then) and it is quite hard to believe and I am doubtful with this score. I wish I would have been there during the tests. I do not know how the psychologist did work with him. The fact is that the psychologist did receive our son something like 10 times before the tests and enter a good relationship with him. I think that if he had passed the tests the first time he met her, his verbal score might have been less than 100 (I am quite sure about that). If you do not know how to manage my son, it is very hard to get him do something you want him to do, unless he wants it too.
He is so disconcerting....
Anyway, he is smart and intelligent, but that intelligent just leave me stunned ...

Sorry for the English !