A global answer on the medecine concern just to let you understand the situation in my countryside (it is the same for many people in France, except maybe those from Paris).
So in my countryside, there are only 2 neuro-pediatricians which are truly specialized in children behavior problems (may be 2 or 3 more are aware of). To meet those specialists, you have to take a rendez-vous at least 7 or 8 months before. We see ours once a year. In case of problem, we just can call him and it is very hard to speak with him for more than 3 minutes. So when we change medecine, when DS faces sleeping problems due to ritalin, when new problems appears at school, this doctor just applies "recipes". It is just worrysome for me but we have no choice.
Just an example how can things happen with our neuropediatrician. The first time he saw our DS he told us that if we do not use ritalin, DS will just face a disaster at school ... Well it is clear that after such assertions, it is no use to explain to the parents the usefulness of that drug.
I am not truly blaming the doctors for that, I think that they do the best as they can for the maximum of people.

Sorry for the English !