I just wanted to throw out there that a lot of kids with ADHD combined with other issues (Aspergers, mood disorder, anxiety, etc) often have problems with stimulant medications like Adderall or Ritalin. We have found success with a non-stimulant called Tenex (or Inntuiv.)

One about kids with ADHD, rewards systems often do not work for them. They need immediate consequences or rewards. They may logically understand later that what they did was wrong, but in the moment, they are UNABLE to stop themselves. It's just the way ADHD works. It makes teaching them how to behave incredibly hard. Schools are often unable to provide the immediate reward/consequence they require. What we are doing with my son is a chart the teacher keeps on her desk. Anytime she sees him doing something good (finishing a worksheet quietly, lining up without incident, etc) he gets to check/color a box. It's such a tiny thing, but he gets to SEE, right away, that his being good is being recorded. Plus, he knows that if he does well all week, he'll get some sort of reward on Saturday (racing R/C cars with his dad, or a special Lego project.)

Good luck. I don't know if it's possible for you to obtain a non-stimulant ADHD medication where you are, but I would push for it.
