Well, I do not know what's the point writing about this morning story ... Maybe I just need to write it out somewhere to free my broken heart ... So here is the story.

When DS was in Kindergarten, he had a very close friend, a girl. They were almost always together. She is a brilliant girl ... in K-1, they were not as close, but it was OK. This morning (in K2), this girl was giving the invitation card for her birthday party to almost everyone ... Well, she did not even give an eyesight to my boy. Almost everyone around him was showing the card. DS just ran outside to the school playground when he understood he is not on the guest list. A pure nightmare for him, I guess. And what will happen after school : we will ask him for his homework and to stay calm ...Man, what's the point in all that ? It is so unfair. My son is a good boy, he never did bad to anyone, he is just a little bit different ...

Sorry for the English !