Welcome French Papa
Your English is very good. I believe that you are intelligent enough to be a good learning partnet for your son.

To raise his self esteem try Special Time. Make a regular appointment with your son to do what he wants to do. During this period of time let him decide what to do and how to do it. Your job is to be interested and get to know both him and yourself under these conditions. You can set limits as needed for safty and money but try to go a bit outside your routine comfort zone.

One big difference between children and adults is that many adults have some freedom to structure their live to avoid certain challenges. During special time the shoe is on the other foot. As you try and spend time with your son he may insist that you aren't fun. This is his way of showing you how it looks to him that he is being treated. If you can get him laughing about your supposed faults then he can release tense feelings about the challenges he faces.

Try Special Time and let us know how it went so we can cheer you on.

2E is just starting to be known in the US. It is frustrating indeed to imagine how much talent is currently being lost to both our Nations and to the world.

I think before you try and make hin understand that he can do great things that the self esteem must be solidly in place. That means that your first job is to make it plain that you love and enjoy and respect him in his current state. While you wait you can become an expert in 2E folks who did do great things or even stories of othe 2e kids on this board. Look up cousins and see if you have any family members who overcame silimilar challenges. Talk about these people and let them live in your imagination so that they can start to live in your son's imagination as well.

A last point is that I believe for most people, the mind and body enjoys what the mind and body are talented at. Observe and experiment to find out what your son enjoys and we'll help you brainstorm ways to nurture the spark of love into a driving talent.

Then we can all think of your family and say: Un veritable marve de civilization France.

Sort for the spelling problems in both languages...this is the only French phrase I know.

Peace and Love

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