Originally Posted by MumOfThree
For her speaking seemed to be a necessary part of her storage/filing system (like taking written notes at an exam I guess). She she still speaks-to-process, and is NEVER quiet....

Conversely decoding text doesn't come easily to them, their reading is highly dependent on context and meaning. My second child for example would test years lower on reading tests like the schonnel test which are based on pure decoding of random words, compared to what she could read in meaningful text...as early readers my kids really could not read beyond their comprehension level.

Still fascinated by the differences in the way people's brains work.

This is so interesting to me because when I think of how my son learns through auditory this is how I "see" it in him... He speaks to process information. He discusses and repeats and solidifies understanding through discussion. And like I said before, the neuropsych testing allegedly shows he learns primarily auditorily. And yeah I feel like he never shuts up, he is constantly asking questions and 'discussin' until he understands, etc. He does learn from reading though. But he does not seem to visualize or get much out of visual information at all.. except reading BUT he tends to like to read out-loud to comprehend. Also, teachers tend to see him spacing out which he does do a fair amount of no doubt... but what I see a lot is him mumbling to himself something he just learned and is trying to process, etc... He also asks people to repeat themselves a lot ... again some see this as attentional (and no doubt some times it is) BUT I often see this as him almost memorizing/processing what he just heard so he needs the person to repeat b/c he just mumbled-while-processing the last thing the person said and they moved on too quickly... I probably sound wacky LOL... it's hard to explain!

Last edited by Irena; 11/01/13 03:51 PM.