Originally Posted by ultramarina
(I have the feeling I am going to get pushback on this. Maybe it's just that we are not mathy.)

No pushback from me um, I am a total math geek but um, no way am I interested in factors at the dinner table lol! OTOH, I don't really enjoy using baking as a teachable math moment either... but that's just me smile

FWIW, we never really "taught" our kids any of the things they are uber-ahead at, they just picked them up through something that must be similar to osmosis (as well as possibly a lot of independent reading). We've also never really had anyone suggest that we've hot-housed our kids. The only parents I've known who seem to concerned that achievement in kids other than their own is related to hot-housing are... parents who are achievement-oriented and attempting to perhaps hot-house. That's been my personal experience both with academics and sports - and it usually drops back dramatically once you get past the early years of either elementary school or sports league - because all the outside "practice" in the world can't make up for differences in natural ability.
