+1 Dude. {nodding}

I also recognized myself-- a lot-- in Amy Chua's memoir... but with the exact same caveats.

I suspect that we have children with a similar mindset/outlook. Have I mentioned Mom's Carnival Funhouse of Math and the 42% midterm exam? Have I?

Not a proud parenting moment-- in fact, it was one of those where I got served by my 7yo every BIT as much as Dr. Chua got served by HERS.

It's called irresistable force (mom) meets immovable object (child with will of iron). Bad juu-juu. Most of the time, it's not worth it.

There are some things where it is worth it, however. I think that is what some of us are saying about "hothousing" (whatever you choose to call it or how to define it).

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.