Originally Posted by ultramarina
Math is an especially clear example here because it's not something you really teach in casual conversation--you know, we talk about history, biology, etc at the dinner table, but we don't factor at the dinner table. (Maybe you guys do.)

oh man, we are clearly über-nerds over here... DD5 does (prime!) factor at the dinner table, but it's SO not from hothousing! she just thinks it's super-cool. interestingly, though, with all the school drama we had last year... the fact that she knew alllll about fractions (and could add non-commmon denominator ones!) in Pre-K was used as evidence that we were hothousing.

nope - we were just baking an awful lot! (but they didn't believe me)

funny, i came to the conclusion that possibly some teachers (and other parents/friends/etc) truly believe that anything a child learns IN SCHOOL is learning, but anything a child learns AT HOME is hothousing. sigh.

Every Sunday it brooded and lay on the floor. Inconveniently close to the drawing-room door.