Because apparently some children would rather sit there than admit that defiance was unacceptable, or that they should feel remorseful. Or that she deserved to be sent there in the first place, evidently. Any time I'd try to "talk" about the infraction (as a means to ending the 'naughty' time) she'd revert to snide and smart-mouthed sass and continued defiance over whatever it was. Since she wasn't able to either control herself or be genuinely sorry, she wasn't getting up (IMO).

If I allowed her reading material, she'd probably happily sit like that for WEEKS, rather than the 'days' that we got with my cognitive deprivation model of the naughty spot.

Oh, again, YES. THIS.

Really, DD is astounding. It frightens my DH, who at times becomes worried that she is pathological in some way due to her ability to "lock down" and refuse to apologize, relent, whatever. But she shows a lot of empathy and sensitivity at other times.

She is also is VERY persistent in a positive way with tasks she sets herself. If she were to decide today to learn ancient Greek, and she really wanted to--get out of her damn way.

FWIW, my other kid "breaks" MUCH more easily and is 100x easier to discipline. Like, DH and I sorta look at each other and go, "Oh, wow! That thing we read about in the parenting books? It just WORKED." By all indications he is probably at least as gifted as she is; he just doesn't seem to have that chip in his brain.

Thank goodness DD doesn't behave this way with peers or she would be friendless. I am not quite sure where the pitbull goes, but she muzzles it.

Last edited by ultramarina; 12/05/12 08:15 PM.