We have tried so many different things, and that may very well be part of the problem. We try something for a while (charts, point systems, payment for good days, etc) and then move on because nothing has truly worked. I hope we just haven't found the right way to handle the issues that come with having gifted daughters yet(DD8 & DD7). Right now the issue I see with L&L is that I understand it when I read about it, but can we really implement it into our situations. We don't give the girls any allowance since they are part of the family and are expected to do things as part of the family. Our consequences would be taking other things away like a cherished toy or computer/TV time, etc. Our girls would do the same thing as W'sMama said - they would just pay up and move on.
I'll look into the Transforming a Difficult Child and see if that system maybe needs to be the next one we try.
Thanks for the feedback!