We have one of these kids-- and pretty much NOTHING works on her if she's determined/dug in. We've stripped everything from her as punishment, and offered some pretty incredible reward systems over the years, as well; I can assure you that for some kids, "sit on the naughty step, then" can go on ALL DAY if they don't want to... um... do five math problems that they KNOW how to do, clean the catbox, or put away the dishes. Yes, really; there is a reason why my DD's nickname is "Little Ghandi" that has nothing to do with social justice, let's just say. People who haven't seen this side of her simply can't FATHOM how immovable she can be.

OMG. This IS my DD. I've been joking for a while that I should hire her out for Occupy demonstrations. She also is not extrinsically motivated. Is this where I confess that I'm considering getting her an iTouch for Xmas just to see if THAT would be an extrinsic motivator?

Right now she has lost all the Warriors books she checked out of the library (you probably know how traumatic this should be). She earned one back and gave up. She's reading other books instead. Oh, and she also slipped up and admitted she checked one out of the school library and is reading it there (I decided not to go Defcon 5 on this). Books were the one currency that seemed to work a little, but it isn't working this time. And yes, it goes against my deepest nature to take away BOOKS, but we are desperate.

ETA: yesterday she spent two hours procrastinating over a sheet of math that she knows perfectly well how to do but dislikes (3-digit x 3-digit multiplication; she's annoyed by how laborious it is).

Last edited by ultramarina; 12/05/12 07:54 AM.