It doesn't work for us. Consequences, natural, logical, artificial, or otherwise, mean nothing to my 11 year old. Also, he'll not choose one of the two choices. And, then, he'll turn around and try to use the choices thing on me.

Oh, he screams and moans about the consequences, but he'll he doesn't learn anything from it. For example, you can put on your baseball uniform and go play in your game or you can miss the game. Misses the game. Throws a big fit, apologizes, blames himself. Next week: time to get ready for your baseball game and he fusses and stalls and "wants to go but doesn't want to get ready" until he misses another game. I mean, really, how many activities can he miss and NOT LEARN to get ready. Same with karate, boy scouts, piano, whatever it is.

Makes me want to take away ALL of his activities but I know that's not healthy either.

I don't know if it has anything to do with being gifted or not but it does make me nuts.

What I am is good enough, if I would only be it openly. ~Carl Rogers