Originally Posted by petunia
I don't know if it has anything to do with being gifted or not but it does make me nuts.

That is how we feel! We don't know anything different from how our own daughters act/behave, so is it due to giftedness that they are so stubborn, strong-willed, and impulsive or what? Aren't most kids these things? Maybe just not to the same extent. I can remember watching "Nanny Jo" on "Supernanny" (loved that show) and those kids were very stubborn, strong-willed, and impulsive, but I don't think all of them were gifted. We even tried her approach (this was years ago) where the kid is told what they did that was not acceptable and then goes to the naughty spot. After there for the alloted time he/she must apologize and can get up. We didn't really like the part of making them apologize because we felt that by forcing them it wasn't an authentic apology. That system just ended chalked up as another one we tried and didn't stick with.