It is amazing how cooperative the school can be with a facilitator sitting in the room! We won't have the final document until sometime this week, so we'll see it if contains everything that was promised during the meeting, but for now, I'm going to take our victory lap!
They added start/stop levels to the goals, assessment timelines and how many, a PLEP synopsis with instructional levels in each subject area and how they were determined, agreed to pretesting in math, above level textbooks in every subject, differentiated homework, spelling lists, and vocab. They agreed to regularly send home the rubrics and assessments so that we could stay in the loop and added CDT testing 3x a year in reading to stay on top of her levels. It feels like a dream come true.
The best part is that we meet again in October so we get to take this GIEP for a trial run before we meet next year.
Thank you all sooooo much for your help - I would have never dreamed we'd make it this far and I certainly wouldn't have had the courage of my convictions without your support.