Thanks Tigerle. It's so lovely that you and others have been giving this some thought as it really helps when I feel a bit swamped by the options and logistics.

I actually looked at the option of starting the IB program now but there isn't a school near us with the program. I even considered sending DD to a boarding school or to live with relatives but DD wasn't keen. I also have a small concern with the IB that it is better for students who are good with humanities. That's just my reading of it from the research I have done. DD is currently stronger in science and Maths and finally has reached a point in school where she can play to those strengths. Because of a couple of challenges, a heavy reading/writing load wouldn't be great.

I was looking through bina and Chris's suggestions. University Maryland University College has online programs with three sessions so she might be able to do some online courses before starting at a bricks and mortar Uni in the Fall of 2017.

DD just went away on a retreat with her year 11 classmates for three days. She was anxious about it but it went well and she feels happy about the year. Apart from being exhausted due to lack of sleep she is very positive about her schooling currently. I am reluctant to disturb that with yet another move before graduation so I think I will leave her where she is unless it goes pear shaped.

I have started my spreadsheet with all options. It is growing daily.