Love brilliantcp tips as well.

Building on Wacking #4. Some schools if you are in their honors programs get priority registration, either before all students or just earlier than those of their 'year'.

ndw Thanks for the compliment about my DD. Although I may have misled you DD didn't got to university a whole year early she was just young for her grade and our state had a late cutoff when she entered school. She turned 18 about a month after starting university. Like a lot of kids with LD's she has things she does well and one of them is she confident and comfortable to attend school on the opposite side of the country.

One of the reasons for the private college admissions counselors is that the public school systems are horribly underfunded in this country. In my school district have more counselors than many districts but it's still much lower than we need and these counselors have very little time to help students with this process. (1 per ~500 students) Many parents have no time or patience to help their teen. The system has gotten more competitive and convoluted. Thus an industry was born to help separate parents from more of their money in the quest of the illusive college acceptance.