Thank you everyone.

We are compiling DDs school transcript etc and had email from AU with their requirements. They were pretty helpful actually and its relatively easy to find a place near that Uni. Georgetown appears harder to get to on public transport. Neither place is inexpensive but as an International student it's going to cost a lot wherever she goes. There is a small Uni in Virginia called Marymount which I know little about but looked at because it was small nd had a forensic psych course. It is within the zone where we can live.

Commuting isn't really an option. DH is restricted to where he has to live in terms of time/distance to work and DD will be 16 but isn't great with traveling alone especially in a foreign environment. Hopefully that will improve with experience but I am not counting on distance commutes being in her comfort zone.

I have been doing some research and the suggestions you have made Indigo and Bluemagic are most welcome. I have had a quick look.

Polarbear, when I was at Uni I had some lectures with 800+ people in the auditorium so 200 sounds cosy by comparison! DD is a different kettle of fish and smaller classes would be better at least for some of the time.

I would like to personally visit campuses with DD. It may be possible but not for some months, probably when DH moves over to the US.

I will schedule her SATs. This may be a dumb question but I am presuming Maths questions in the SAT uses imperial measures?