Thanks for the input Val, I hear your fears.

DD has fine EF skills which have only improved with each grade skip fortunately. I know you don't know her and obviously have your own concerns re acceleration and your children. DD is showing every sign of being able to function at the appropriate level. She runs her own show where school is concerned without reminder from me and they have some tight deadlines so all good experience for the next step.

She will do her own research and make the final decision. As I said to Tigerle, DD is perfectly capable of Google searching and also presenting a solid argument as to why she has made a decision. Howwver, We as a family are only a few weeks from a sudden major change to all our life plans which have coincided with a return to school which leaves her with little time. I personally want to understand the situation which is far more complex than just applying to Uni here or there. If it was a straightforward matter of researching schools and doing the applications she would be fine for sure. She has done that already for local Unis and has been actively looking for over a year.

I am appreciative of every one's information and concern. Don't forget DD is regarded as an International student for the purposes of this thread. It does alter some of the requirements and the costs and scholarship opportunities. Despite where we live we won't be able to access resident fees. It also changes the deadlines in many cases so they can be earlier. Some Unis also require documentation sent straight from school or the state education board, neither of which does such a thing routinely.

The school has no familiarity with what the requirements are for a transcript as such things are not given here. We just get annual reports and they are not collated into one document at the end of school. Our high school is 6 years not 4 and upon speaking to American University they want all 6. That is an advantage as languages for example were done in the first 4 years. Also science is lab based from year 7 and doing lab based science can be important.

As Tigerle said, my DD does not have access to anything but the Internet for this process. In Australia I have loads of intrinsic knowledge about the search process for a Uni and experience of attending or working at four of the major ones. I am sure Val and many others have a similar intrinsic knowledge of the process and the options in the US so if your child mentions where they are thinking of going you understand what that means and the implications of their decision or you know where to get that info. I don't or didn't. Thanks to lots of looking and the help from people here I have a better idea of what it will mean or where she is talking about when my DD comes to me with her decisions.

It's not that she can't do it Val. Not at all. But I can't do my bit as a supportive parent if I have no idea what she is talking about when she says she has chosen X pathway, and she will.