Thanks for sharing your story Mana. Another really positive and encouraging outcome. You have obviously done amazing things at a young age. Both ADHD and DCD are big challenges and more so managing on your own. I am sure a lot of people with children facing challenges will be encouraged to hear of your success as I am.

Yes, there are definitely scholarship opportunities for International students. They aren't always the same as those for domestic students and they range widely between Unis. MIT does offer good packages. They are highly sought after from what we read when DD was looking into it a while ago. I would love for her to go there!

I know exactly what you mean when you talk about marketing yourself. It's not something we generally have to do for Uni. I think that is an area we will struggle with. I have looked for some resources on writing college essays and applications for that reason. It concerns me as DD does not have a strong resume as it were. She can not do sports for physical reasons. She has represented the school in other ways but there haven't been that many opportunities.

Thank you for the info about Georgetown. Uni does present a range of opportunities for sure beyond just the academics.