Thanks Indigo. I will hunt down some past papers for DD so she knows what is coming.

Interesting perspective Bostonian. I am not sure what to think there. The admission scores to get into courses over here are often affected by course popularity even more than the intellectual demands of the course. Certainly demanding courses have high entry scores but they also tend to be the ones that are sought after eg law, medicine, engineering. Other courses can be highly popular and perhaps less intellectually demanding and still have high entry requirements because of limited places. There is often pressure on kids who get a high Uni entry score to "not waste it" and so they get pushed into med or law. I know students who wanted to do business or geology who ended up in med and hated it because that isn't what they wanted.

I suspect DD will do more than one degree in her life and she has the time to do that. Money may be another issue. She still isn't sure what she wants to do and has wide interests. I look on this an opportunity to experience life in another country and broaden her education. My key concerns will be happiness and safety if that makes sense. A good education is important of course but under the circumstances the other factors have an impact.