We are considering an array of options NSG. I even discussed doing a year or two of high school in the US but DD wasn't keen and I understood that as she is working hard in her senior years. The idea of more HS wasn't appealing. I was thinking about options to meet people.

DD doesn't want to go away for college at the moment....she is 13 still and a homebody so the concept is not easy for her to swallow. Much may change in the next couple of years but hard to predict. I don't think too long of a gap year is a good plan for our DD. She will lose some of the momentum she has been building. Other thoughts we are considering is doing some online courses in the intervening period.

Thanks for the hints HK. We are still early in the process so I hadn't explored the College Board website in detail. I will certainly add that to my research tools. I did ask AU specifically about residentiL requirements and also age limits, we have to seek special permission at some Unis for underage kids. They were fine about both.

I think I can see some spreadsheet building in my near future.

I really appreciate everyone's help. I am sure you appreciate that it is a big deal for us. One we haven't yet fully absorbed. I was having enough fun working out where DD might go to Uni here. We had already started down that path. But life is full of interesting twists.