I just wanted to come back and reply to this.
I've checked back a few times and I am finding this thread to be very helpful and inspiring - but grounding, too.

I know I do need to be willing to put in the effort to get the rewards, and I also see I'm going to have to do some accepting when it comes to how life IS, now.

I can also plan to do things later if I want. Life isn't over (though my mom drilled it into my sister and I that life IS over when you have children!)

And about depression... I've been extremely depressed in my life before and this doesn't feel like it is coming close to that. I have my moments, but I'm definitely not suicidal or anything. I did go to therapy before and it helped a lot. I don't really want to go back to that at the moment, though.

My husband is finishing up school soon, so before he starts again he is giving me lots of time to work on my business. I spent all weekend working and the mornings so far this week. I feel so good about it. Really... getting to work makes me feel so wonderful and I feel rejuvenated. I wouldn't like working outside the home, though.

And in another thread someone mentioned that dad and baby need their time together, too. I've noticed DD is so much more attached to DH now and I think them spending so much time together is really great for them. So... I don't have to feel too guilty (yay!)

(On the other hand... DH ignores her more than I do and he plays too many video games. But I'm happy to have my break.)

I think this thread was very helpful and I'm sure I will come back to it in the future! wink Thank you all!

Last edited by islandofapples; 09/13/11 08:40 PM.