Here's my woulda, coulda, shoulda.

When my first child was born, 11 years ago, I left work. They offered me a great deal to work 3 days and still get benefits.

Now I wish I would stayed in my work at least part time, because after 11 years, I'm so out of date. I think if possible, even if I gave my whole paycheck to the baby sitter, I would have been better off, now if I go back to work, my pay will be so low. Even if things are good with a husbands work that can change. I just think I would of been better to keep in the job market for more security. From what I've read, if you can go back before 5 years out of work, it's better.

My son was very high maintance baby and I felt overwhelmed and that was all I could handle.

I think it can be good for children to see a Mom working hard at something and balancing her life, which could include housekeepers and babysitters.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not against stay at home Moms. As my faimily is stuggling now, I just relect on this as something to help others. I'm also thinking ahead to the kids college.

Last edited by onthegomom; 09/11/11 08:36 AM.