Originally Posted by kerripat
I missed intelligent conversation so much and just felt lost.

What a great topic!

Honestly I could see that so many of the moms around me were feeling this same thing. I was in shock, because spending time with baby DS I felt freer to have intelligent conversations than anytime since college. To me, getting big ideas down into simple words and metaphors was the most interesting challenge I'd ever met. Up until that point I was working hard to 'fit in' with others and in a fairly heterogeneous environment where the ones who were smarter than me were pretty much only interested in their own narrow areas. Even before DS could talk much, he could nod his head, or signal me by focusing his eyes or letting his attention wander. We'd have plenty of interesting conversations 'call and response' style. And a good thing because once he could talk, he wanted to do most of the talking! I wonder if he learned that from me?!?

But I think that I'm gifted in a very particular way, that makes reading between the lines my funnest thing. I know lots of people who seem more gifted and much for focused. I think you could have 2 PGers in a room and there could be wonderful conversation or total boredom - depending on their personalities.

I think DS and I just sort of got lucky. Part of the reason I was able to let him go to boarding school is that I felt he had already learned as much from me as most kids do by age 18, and he needed 'fresh meat' from other adults and time and space to get to see himself. So far so good.

I worked part time until he was 4, then 3/4 time, now time +, but very 9-5ish. I don't think I could handle physically or emotionally the kind of job my DH has where 60 hours is normal, unless I really had to, or totally believed in what I was doing heart and soul. Even working 43 hours a week, there is very little room for much else. I'm 75% fulfilled by using my gifts, but 110% exhausted. As long as the motivation to keep DS happy and growing is there, it works for me. But my imagination I'd work four 6 -hour days and be done with it! There are always so many interesting other things to do and think about.

((shrugs and more shrugs))

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