
I was never identified as gifted as a child and I never really considered myself that bright. When I was about 25 I decided that I was the type of person that should go to college. It took me 5 years because I took short periods off to work full time for money to continue but I graduated just a month short of my 31st birthday. I started law school when I was 34. I had a baby when I was 35. I started working as a lawyer at 37 when my DS was almost 2.

Now, I have an almost 8 year old PG who has been both a challenge and joy to raise. I enjoy my job and my family and have worked hard for the balance - but it is a work in progress. I am a public lawyer so while I see my role as advocating for my clients, I also have to consider the public good and never fight just to fight. I feel like I have a good balance but that still does not mean that I don't alternate days of feeling like I should be doing more for my family and more for career - one day, I may be considering working part time while at the same time thinking of the next big project at work I want to take on.

I realize now that I was likely a gifted kid who checked out due to lack of challenge and I often wonder what my life would have been like had I gotten my act together sooner, but I really feel like the challenges that I have overcame to get to where I am have made me the relatively happy and fulfilled person I am today.

Anyway, I tell you all of this so that you know that starting late can work out and that it is all a work in progress.