I was trying to type my own path, but it was just too long with too many detours, which is typical of myself. EVERYTHING is so interesting to me, I tend to go off on tangents. It's ALL related in my mind, lol!

Here's what I have to say...
1-it's never too late to change. If you are not happy with the situation, but certain things, like the age of your child, for instance, make those changes not possible at the moment, just start making your plan now. That will give you something to focus on when you are having those low moments.

2-whether you work outside the home for money or volunteer, whether you stay home and don't work for any money (that is STILL plenty of work! lol!) or make some money (or even lots of it) working from home...you had the kid(s). They are here. We brought them here and we owe it to them to help them be the best people they can become. Sometimes that means putting some of our wants on the backburner for a while, but you should not have to give up your SELF.

My friends are usually amazed at the number and variety of jobs I have held, especially for someone who wasn't allowed to hold a regular job during HS. When I had DD#1, I was a nurse and had gone back to school to continue that path. I enjoyed it alot, taking care of people and I often took the areas others didn't want, but all I could think about was my baby and how much I missed her. I never thought I would be like that, but there I was. I hadn't been a nurse long enough to consider it a "career" and I don't actually hold any paper degree. Dh and I made the decision together that I would stay home and try to carve something out for myself. I'm not rich, but I'm VERY happy with what I do.

I struggled quite a bit when my girls were younger. DD8 was easier, more patient/easy going and since we decided I would stay home and try to make a career of my own path, I was able to spend a lot of time focusing on her and learning to anitcipate her needs, which made us both very relaxed. DD4.5 was (and continues to be) a highly engaging and attention needing child. She is the kind that you have to explain every step WHILE you are doing it and asks me questions like "Are you making dinner?" when I obviously AM, she just needs to confirm her knowledge I guess. She is still ABSOLUTELY EXHAUSTING, 2 days of preschool (that we are already getting a special price on) is really hurting us financially, but I know it's what we both need. My husband travels OFTEN and sometimes for a month or more at a stretch, and since I work from home, sometimes I just need to be able to think! When she goes to school next fall, I will probably spend the whole day crying from happiness because I will be able to put MORE of myself into my business, even though I know I will have to eventually give it up or hire other people (which I don't look forward to).

Right now, I also get EXTREME fulfillment by being a Girl Scout leader for my DD8. Maybe later, I will get a paid job at Council. Maybe not though. Maybe I don't know my real "potential". Maybe I'm JUST NOW discovering that I should be an advocate for girls or gifted kids.

Or maybe not.

I say "I am ONLY 38", I also have not decided what I want to do when I grow up. Who says you have to chose one thing? People reinvent themselves all the time and you can too! Personally, I'm probably going to live to be 100, so, I figure I have lots of time to try different things...I think author and stand up comic are next on my list wink

I get excited when the library lets me know my books are ready for pickup...