1. When did you first expected giftedness in your child?
I always new he was different since birth (very alert) but I have no clue when I thought "gifted". To be honest- until he was officially identified- I never understood what gifted meant. Did not even know they needed or had different programs.

2. What milestones/traits (gross motor skills, fine motor skills, verbal skills, literacy skills, mathematical sills, social) really made you suspect giftedness?
Creativity and extreme curiosity!
He has always been interested in how things are put together and how stuff works. When he was around 3 years old- his daycare would save the lego (mega blocks and similar)creations he would make to show off to people (they had his on display to show prospective parents what kind of work kids there did :-)) Also- things like office chairs that spin- instead of just sitting on it and "riding" them- he would crawl under them and see how it spins.

3. Did your child have any delays? If so what area (gross motor skills, fine motor skills, verbal skills, literacy skills, mathematical sills, social)?
Speech delay (8 years old and still on IEP for speech)
fine motor delay
Behind in reading and writing until middle of 2nd grade

4. Is your child 2E? If they are did they have other signs besides the obvious, more quantifiable ones?

5. Has your child been tested?
Private (we were worried about learning disabilities) and through the school

6. Is your child across the board gifted or quite asynchronous? If so what are his/her strengths and were they obvious from a young age?
DS is awesome at math and logic but no clue at this point if actually gifted in math.
He was identified as gifted because of his cognitive ability scores
His achievement scores are not very impressive though.

7. When your child was young (baby/toddler/preschooler), was their development fairly even or did they excel more in certain areas (gross motor skills, fine motor skills, verbal skills, literacy skills, mathematical sills, social)?
DS's development was always slow and steady. He was always alittle behind on most things and due to moderate speech delays- we were never able to fully understand or notice his true understanding of the world until much later so I have no clue how that developed.