1. 1st expect giftedness? It came as a surprise in kindergarten when he was tested by the school
2. milestone/traits? Reading the teacher's instructions in kindergarten reading books.
3. Delays? Non-verbal til age 3
4. 2e? Yes, autism diagnosed at 2.5
5. Tested? Yes, initially at 2.5 as part of autism diagnosis...then in K...then in 2nd grade.
6. asynchronous? Both mathmatically and verbally gifted; not as gifted in working memory and processing speed.
7. even development? Not at all. He is still behind socially: he's 7 but socially is 5. He is way ahead in math, literacy, and certain verbal skills: he will "get" logic type plays on words, yet he won't get typical 1st grade jokes unless they are explained to him. He is slightly behind in gross motor skills, and about even with fine motor skills. This is all with MASSIVE amounts of ABA, speech, OT, and social skills training. He was developmentally delayed in almost all categories, but once the window was open, he FLEW! Yet, looking back (using some of Ruf's characteristics) he showed gifted traits and I overlooked them because I was so focused on autism.
