These are answers about myself. I am relying on memory & what I have been told by my mom.

1. When did you first expected giftedness in your child?
Unsure; possibly 3-4 years.
2. What milestones/traits (gross motor skills, fine motor skills, verbal skills, literacy skills, mathematical sills, social) really made you suspect giftedness?
Literacy; I read very early. Edit: I forgot to mention that after public K my parents were asked/advised that I might skip 1st grade. They declined, concerned about my social development. In 2nd grade, at a different school, I went to the 3rd grade class for reading instruction.
3. Did your child have any delays? If so what area (gross motor skills, fine motor skills, verbal skills, literacy skills, mathematical sills, social)? Possibly social. I am told that I preferred to play alone or with one friend, even in the nursery as a toddler.
4. Is your child 2E? If they are did they have other signs besides the obvious, more quantifiable ones?
No, not while I was in school. I now have BP2 disorder.
5. Has your child been tested? Yes; I was tested more than once as we moved quite a few times.
6. Is your child across the board gifted or quite asynchronous? If so what are his/her strengths and were they obvious from a young age? I believe I am across the board gifted. However, mathematics is definitely my strength & has been for as long as I can remember. I recall being given my math book & workbook in 6th grade by my teacher & being told to let him know if I needed help (I was thrilled!) I never really enjoyed social studies/history & had to work to make As in those classes.
7. When your child was young (baby/toddler/preschooler), was their development fairly even or did they excel more in certain areas (gross motor skills, fine motor skills, verbal skills, literacy skills, mathematical sills, social)? As I stated above, I read as a preschooler. I don't believe I walked or talked early or late. The only other thing significant I can think of that I have been told is that I was hard to get to sleep at night; my mom said I was a "night owl" & I still am.

Last edited by ginger234; 07/31/10 10:52 AM. Reason: added info to #2 & changed grade level in # 6

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