I never suspected my son was gifted. He was late with all milestones - gross motor, fine motor, verbal communication. He always excelled in social situations and when he began talking (finally), he had great insight. But, from Kindergarten on, he struggled in school. We had him tested in K and 4 times since. He is gifted in the verbal and preceptual reasoning realms, scores in the superior range on most speech and language tests, yet has expressive langauge issues, is severely dyslexic and dysgraphic and has attention issues. His processing speed is borderline -very low. Luckily, he is a hard worker and very likeable.

So - was his development even? No. Is his giftedness even - not even close.

My daughter was always early at meeting milestones, taught herself to read at age 4, is athletic, artistic, well spoken and well liked. She is very average - yet does well in school and in life.

IQ does not gaurentee school or life success.