1. When did you first expected giftedness in your child?
When DD9 was 2.5 years old, I came home from college and picked her up from day care, they said they moved her that day up to the 4-5 year old room since she knew all her colors, numbers and letters. They didn't tell the next teacher that she was so young, and when she commented on her good art work I said "yeah really good for a 2.5 year old", just floored her. Here's to butting heads with the educational system ever since lol.
2. What milestones/traits (gross motor skills, fine motor skills, verbal skills, literacy skills, mathematical sills, social) really made you suspect giftedness?
I never suspected it from the start. Since she was my first child I always thought my kid was normal, so her passing books to me a 8 months old I really thought was normal development. It wasn't until they moved her up in preschool that I suspected she was gifted.
3. Did your child have any delays? If so what area (gross motor skills, fine motor skills, verbal skills, literacy skills, mathematical sills, social)?
No delays.
4. Is your child 2E? If they are did they have other signs besides the obvious, more quantifiable ones?
5. Has your child been tested?
Yes, but only with JHU CTY talent search. Will be pushing for testing this year for her and hopefully her twin sisters as well.
6. Is your child across the board gifted or quite asynchronous? If so what are his/her strengths and were they obvious from a young age?
She is gifted verbally, and is a social butterfly. Her math is good at and gets A's but didn't test as gifted in math.
7. When your child was young (baby/toddler/preschooler), was their development fairly even or did they excel more in certain areas (gross motor skills, fine motor skills, verbal skills, literacy skills, mathematical sills, social)?
I would say development was even for her.

The impossible is just something that hasn't happened yet.