1. When did you first expected giftedness in your child?
4 years.
2. What milestones/traits (gross motor skills, fine motor skills, verbal skills, literacy skills, mathematical sills, social) really made you suspect giftedness?
Verbal & literacy skills; He wasn't a super-early reader but he could remember things that we read together without repetition.
3. Did your child have any delays? If so what area (gross motor skills, fine motor skills, verbal skills, literacy skills, mathematical sills, social)?
Social skills; he is still learning to control his reactions to imperfections & figuring out what to do when a question doesn't have a "right" answer.
4. Is your child 2E? If they are did they have other signs besides the obvious, more quantifiable ones? No
5. Has your child been tested? Yes; at the end of this past school year.
6. Is your child across the board gifted or quite asynchronous? If so what are his/her strengths and were they obvious from a young age?
He seems to be across the board gifted though he shows a strong preference for sciences. He has checked out non-fiction books from the library since he was in K, always about animals or earth/space.
7. When your child was young (baby/toddler/preschooler), was their development fairly even or did they excel more in certain areas (gross motor skills, fine motor skills, verbal skills, literacy skills, mathematical sills, social)?
His development was pretty even with fine motor & literacy skills being somewhat stronger than the others.

When you're curious, you find lots of interesting things to do. Walt Disney