These potty stories are cracking me up. I've been trying something a little different with DDalmost3. When I need to go to the bathroom, I'll say to DD, "Oh... I need to go poo -- where do I need to go???" I look and act real concerned like the fact I need to poo caught me off guard and that I really need DD's help. She'll say, "In the potty!" "Thank you! That's right!" and I'll run to the bathroom. I'm trying to reinforce the fact that she KNOWS where to go and what to do to see if this helps matters when I re-introduce the underwear. She's changed her dialogue about pooping and going to the potty now, so maybe she's thinking about it differently.
It's hard to tell with DD. DH and I have recently decided that she's a lot smarter than we give her credit for, so we're not exactly sure what we're dealing with here. Of course, this just makes us more confused than we already are. smile