I think I'm going to give the potty a rest for right now. It has definitely turned into a power struggle. And she is one strong-willed turd. smile I hate feeling like I'm supposed to meet some deadline with this stuff, like I'm not doing my job right if DD isn't trained by 3. She pooped and peed her pants again and said, "uh oh, I get a sad face," on her potty chart, but she doesn't care about it. She just says it like it's no big deal. One of the more frustrating things about this is that most of the potty training tips/books are for ND children, and I think potty-training a GT child is different than that. They obviously think differently, so ND tactics don't seem to be as effective. Grrrr.

Sorry, a little frustrated. Maybe once I let up, she'll take control on her own. Who knows -- I keep saying the child is crazy. smile