I started this thread a few weeks ago and then had some computer problems and now it's 8 pages long - I had a lot of catching up to do!!

Thanks for the link to the Denver II test. I used it on dd2.3 this morning and it confirmed what I already knew but it was good to have a more objective tool (although the instructions were sketchy at best). I estimated her skill level at:
Personal-Social: 3 years
Fine Motor-Adaptive: 3 years
Language: 4.3 years
Gross Motor: average for her age

As for potty-training, if gifted kids train later, my dd5 is a genius!! He was 4.5 before he was trained. It was ridiculous.

HoosierMom - my dd2.3 is very strong-willed so I understand. We are doing O.K. with potty training but it is definitely a process for us. We did go to the store so she can see the big girl panties that I will buy for her when she can stay dry all the time. She often begs me for a Pull-up when she doesn't feel like staying dry. I had to put them out of reach. They are only for bedtime and some outings.