Originally Posted by blackcat
either they will make him out to be not as impaired as he is, so that he doesn't qualify for an IEP, or they will start depressing his grades and being really hard on him, so that they can kick him out. Only you know enough of the situation to say if any of those scenaios is possible, but that would be my fear. You have to make sure they follow the 504 because that is the only thing that is fair to your DS, but it may come with consequences.
I'm concerned about this already. His graded work in this class took a sudden nosedive after I brought up the planner issue. He still has a solid B, though. He will easily maintain a solid B if he just turns in everything--this is not a rocket science class.

FWIW, I have had nothing but positive (glowing, even) feedback from his other teachers and they are following 504 to the letter without complaint. One, also a brand-new teacher, keeps telling me to let her know if we need anything! Overall, it is a really positive start to the year.

Originally Posted by blackcat
His grades should not reflect late/missing work if the late/missing work is the result of 504 accommodatons not being followed.
That's what I think, too. It's one thing to argue the curriculum is too rigorous (that is the rationale for academic probation), but another if he clearly can do the work when proper supports are in place.

I don't want to spend so much emotional energy on this. He just needs to get through the year (we are 1/8 of the way through!), after which the probation is lifted. That means eighth grade is a given and we can all relax a little.

I went into the school and obtained the textbook.

I emailed 504 coordinator and asked if we can get a second set of books added to 504.

I found the book online and it's only $20 because it's an old edition. I will buy it if necessary.

I really hate feeling like I do about his situation. It is very confusing. I am a conflict adverse personality by nature and it's really stressful feeling like there is an adversarial relationship with my children's program.